Every year in the 6th grade, we visit the Farm School in Athol, Massachusetts, thanks to the generous funding from the Friends of Amigos. It is a transformative experience for many students, creating lasting memories that they take with them through the year.
Cada año en el 6to grado visitamos a la Escuela Agrícola en Athol, Massachusetts, gracias a Amigos de Amigos (“Friends of Amigos”), quienes nos proporcionaron los fondos para el viaje. Es una experiencia transformadora para muchos estudiantes, creando memorias que llevarán consigo a través del año.
“Algo que descubrí de mí misma fue que por dentro, yo también soy una granjera.” --Arianna “Yo aprendí que debes estar satisfecho con viajar a un lugar al que no has ido en tu vida.” --Christian
“I remember this moment that was really fun because we all worked together to clean up the poop in the barn and it was really fun to listen to cool music.” --Isaac
“Something that was really fun was when we went on our Wild Walk and it was snowing in the Enchanted Forest.” --Natalia
“One of my favorite memories was with Stephanie, Adi, Elena, and Nila when the goats got out of their area, so we had to save them. The rest of the time we were with the goats we were laughing so much.” --Francesca
“One thing I will always remember is the sunrise that we got to see on the first morning we were there. It was really special to wake up while it was dark and then see all the different colors in the sky as we did our morning chores.” --Thea
“¡Yo ordeñé vacas! Nunca pensé que sería una actividad de escuela. Entonces, gracias a Dave quien nos ayudó con esa experiencia nueva.” --Annie
“Yo aprendí a relacionar lo que vimos a Ciencias porque cada uno de los animales tenía su propia forma de quedarse caliente.” --Maya
“Yo descubrí que me ENCANTA la vida en la granja con los animales.” --Santiago
“I really enjoyed learning how to make yarn. It’s a lot different from how I imagined and I am now impressed by the perfection of all the yarn I see.” --Safia
“Me gustó darle comida a pavos y gallinas.” --Gretchen
“Algo que aprendí que se relaciona a Estudios Sociales fue que los granjeros sobreviven con los recursos naturales que tienen.” --Gavi
“Overall, Farm School really opened my eyes to connecting to nature and animals and just being aware of the world around you.” --Natasha
“Descibrí que las vacas son mis animales favoritos.” --Alejandra
“Yo descubrí que yo soy un trabajador fuerte y bueno.” --Alex
“I was so surprised to learn that I have a huge place in my heart for cows--they are just so loving and gentle.” --Elena
“Algo que me soprendió es que podíamos tener tanta libertad y que yo podría aprender mucho más sobre otras personas.” --Adi
“I loved when Gladys (the cow) slept on my lap, and just being with the cows in general. They do so much for us and it felt good to give back.” --Shirine
“One of the memories I like was when I was in the kitchen with Eliza and we were helping with the grilled cheese. We had fun with her while we worked.” --Sara Luna
“Yo descubrí que yo puedo levantarme por la mañana y hacer trabajo y que puedo ser muy cariñosa con animales y comunicarme con ellos.” --Amaya
“Thank you for taking me on all those adventures… That made me think about how there’s careful ways to handle small dangers. But there are also awesome ways.” --Joey
“Algo que descubrí de mí misma es que me llevo bien con todos y tengo paciencia con los animals, como las vacas.” --Nila
“You really helped me learn how to milk a cow better, because before I couldn’t milk a cow even if my life depended on it.” --Olivia
“Algo que descubrí de mí misma es que cuando tienes una actitud positiva, algo aburrido puede ser muy divertido.” --Valentina
“Algo que yo aprendí de mí misma es que me gustan los chivos mucho--especialmente los bebés!” --Grace
“My favorite memory was freeing the birds from the greenhouse and carving pumpkins.” --Emma
“Algo que descubrí que me gusta es tratar nuevas cosas aunque sean extrañas.” --Roberto
“One of my favorite memories was when we were in the barn shoveling poop and jammin’ out. It’s one of my favorite because it would usually be boring to do that but you guys made it fun!” --Isabella
“Yo aprendí cómo ordeñar las vacas y cómo ser paciente cuando le das agua a los animales.” --Heather