Homeroom Parents / Padres De Salon Hogar

Homeroom Parents serve as an important liaison for teachers and families in the classrooms. The responsibilities may include assisting with communication by placing phone calls to parents about important events, assisting teachers in small projects such as coffee hours and field trips and creating class newsletters and phone directories. If you are interested in becoming a homeroom parent, please contact your child’s teacher.

Los padres de salón hogar sirven como enlaces importantes entre maestros y familias de los salones. Las responsabilidades pueden incluir el asistir con la comunicación al hacer llamadas telefónicas a los padres acerca de eventos importantes, asistir a maestros en pequeños proyectos tales como hora del café y excursiones y creando noticieros de salón y directorios telefónicos. Si está interesado en ser un padre de salón hogar, favor de contactar al/la maestro/a de su niño/a.

Guidelines for Homeroom Volunteering
Thank you for volunteering to be a homeroom parent! Parent volunteers give their valuable time and expertise, while gaining a powerful sense of how the school and teachers work. The purpose of homeroom parents is to support teachers in many varied ways. Teachers have different needs and styles, so there is no one size fits all. We hope these tips make your volunteering experience a successful one for you, the teacher, and the children.

Homeroom parent participation involves:

  • Helping the teacher to organize potlucks and family events

  • Talking with the teacher about needs for this year and communicating them to parents

  • At the teacher’s request, creating a family contact list for the class

  • Sending out reminders for field trips and social events

  • Sharing information from other parent committees with families

  • Organizing teacher gifts (see attached state policy)

  • Communication with the teacher is very important. Feel free to ask the teacher questions to clarify roles and duties.

  • Confidentiality is critical. Even stories or situations you think are “cute,” about your own or any other child should not be repeated outside of the classroom to other parents or teachers. Children are entitled to have their school experiences remain private, and others may not interpret your stories in the way you intended.

  • The teacher is in charge of disciplining or correcting children, including yours. Learn class rules and expectations, to enable behavioral issues to be handled consistently.

  • Respect the teacher’s time and expertise. Be aware that her or his style of interacting with children might differ from yours.

  • Your child may act differently with you in the room. Check with the teacher for the best way to handle any situation that you feel is becoming challenging.

  • You are not responsible for answering or initiating conversations about curriculum or behavior with other parents. All questions and concerns should go directly to the classroom teacher.

Sign ups for parent volunteers and jobs take place during the Open House. Individual teachers then set up a planning or meeting time. Enjoy the year as a volunteer!

*Sections excerpted and adapted from the Arlington Public School’s document “Parent-to-Parent Tips for Successful Volunteering”*

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