Welcome Back from Sarah Bartels-Marrero

Welcome Back from Sarah Bartels-Marrero
Posted on 08/29/2016

Dear Amigos Community, 

Welcome Back! I hope that you all had plenty of time to relax and enjoy the summer. About mid-July, I had some time to take a break and reflect on the year. It was an intense year, but overall, a very positive one. As I contemplate recent national events and rhetoric, I am ever more appreciative of our wonderful Amigos community and I hope that, together, we are infusing our young peoples’ lives with tolerance, compassion, and understanding. 

When I started in this position last year, I met with staff and community members as part of my entry plan. From these conversations arose similar trends, beliefs and areas of focus for our school. One of the most salient trends, but not a surprising one, is our shared belief in the transformative nature of dual language education for our children. Another trend is our shared desire for a diverse, strong, open and caring community. This type of community requires a high level of communication and respect from all members. While I believe we have made progress in this area, this work will be ongoing and continuous. A third trend is our collective interest in improving school climate. Again, I believe we have made progress in this area, however, real change takes time and we will continue this work in the years to come. 

The issue of security was also brought to the forefront during the 2015-2016 school year. I want you to know that it is an issue I continue to take seriously at both the building and the district level. I am excited to share with you that over the summer card readers were installed at doors one and three of the building. This will improve teacher access to the building while allowing us to keep doors locked. We will also continue our safety protocols for entry into the building. As always all visitors are asked to use the main entrance to the building for both entry and exit and to get a visitor’s pass from the main office. This protocol is aligned with the district protocol, which reads as follows: Every visitor entering a Cambridge Public School during school hours is required to check in at the Safety Desk/ Main Office at the Main Entrance. After signing in (print name), stating whom they wish to visit, the purpose of their visit and showing proof of identity a visitor’s pass will be issued. They will be asked to wear the visitor’s pass while they are in the building and return the pass and sign out when they leave. Please note that our accessible entrance is door three in the back of the building. I also ask for your help this year in shifting the culture of using the side doors of the building for entry or exit. These doors will always be locked and should only be used during fire drills. With the safety and security of all students and staff in mind, I ask that families follow this protocol and work to remind one another of this shift. 

The summer brought a few additional changes to our building structure. First, we were able to order new furniture and lockers for the Upper School. The furniture will be wonderful and modern and includes adjustable desks that can be used for standing or sitting. The lockers allow for all students in our growing upper school to have their own space. I have my fingers crossed that all will be delivered and set up for the first day of classes. Second, room 108, Sr. Carrillo’s room, will now have a student bathroom allowing for easier bathroom access for our youngest students. Finally, additional soundproofing will be added to the basement classrooms and offices. All of these additions will make for a more comfortable learning and working environment. 

Each summer always brings changes in staffing and we have talented new teachers who will be joining the Amigos Community. 

  • Srta. Alicia Outing- will be our new 1st grade teacher. Srta. Outing has a BA from Columbia University, a Post-Baccalaureate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Florida and a M.S.Ed in Reading/Writing/Literacy from the University of Pennsylvania. Srta. Outing was also a student in Spanish immersion programs during her K-12 educational years.

  • Sr. Francisco Hernández Salgado- will be our new 4th grade Spanish component teacher. Sr. Hernández has a BA from California State University and graduated with a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College. He comes to us from the Chelsea Public Schools.

  • Sr. Brian Boyd- will be our new Math/Science teacher in the Upper School. Sr. Boyd has a BA in Math from Brandeis University and a Master’s of Arts in Teaching from Tufts University.

  • Sra. Trish Hayes- joins us as the new Math Interventionist. Sra. Hayes has worked in dual language schools in Lansing (Michigan), Seattle and Boston. She has a Bachelor’s in Sociology from the University of Michigan and a Master’s in Teaching also from the University of Michigan. 

Another change to staffing is that Ms. Goodwin, one of our 2nd grade teachers, will be joining her husband in England as he accepts a transfer to his company’s London office. While we will miss her, we are excited for this new adventure she is taking on. In her place, I am happy to welcome Annie Sargent. 

  • Srta. Sargent has Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Latin American Studies from St. Lawrence University and a Master’s in Elementary and Special Education from Wheelock College. She comes to us from the Fletcher Maynard Academy in Cambridge. 

Recently, Ms. Francis, one of our Special Educators, has also decided to move on. I will be working closely with the Office of Student Services over the next few weeks to find her replacement. 

Please join me in giving all new staff a warm welcome to our Amigos Community!

We know that when schools and families work together, children tend to be more successful in school. There are a variety of ways that families can be involved at Amigos. Please take time to get to know our two parent organizations: Amigos School Council (ASC) and Friends of Amigos (FOA). The ASC is a group comprised of parents/guardians and staff members that meets monthly with the principal. The FOA is a separately incorporated non-profit organization funded and managed by Amigos parents. Your participation in either group will be greatly appreciated. We also have a newly designed homeroom parent system that you will hear more about at Back to School Night/ Open House on September 22. 

In closing, I look forward to welcoming back our returning families and staff and meeting the new members of our community. Our goal of creating bilingual multicultural individuals will, as always, be at the forefront of all we do. You can continue to look for a brief weekly update via email from me on Friday of each week. You will also have access to upcoming school events via the Google calendar embedded in our webpage and I encourage you to synch it to your calendar. Please enjoy the remaining days of summer vacation and don’t hesitate to contact me at 617.349.6567 or [email protected] if you have questions. I thank you in advance for your thoughtful participation and look forward to the collaboration that will support the growth and improvement of our school. 


Sarah Bartels-Marrero 

Please Remember
Classroom instruction starts at 8:55AM. Beginning at this time, important learning takes place each day. While students are required to be at school by 8:55AM, we strongly encourage families to have their children arrive at 8:40AM in order to maximize learning time.Students taking the bus arrive between 8:20AM and 8:35AM barring any unexpected circumstances. 

There is no parking in front of the school during arrival and dismissal. Buses need to load and unload, and cannot do so if you are parked there.

Important Dates
First Day of School for grades 1-8, September 6

First Day of School for Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten, September 8

Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15- October 15

Friends of Amigos Meeting, September 13

Amigos School Council Meeting and Forum, September 14

Open House/Back to School Night, September 22

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