What do I do with my library books? / ¿Qué hago con mis libros de la biblioteca?

What do I do with my library books? / ¿Qué hago con mis libros de la biblioteca?
Posted on 06/12/2020

Dear CPS Families,

We hope you are finding enough to read while school and library buildings are closed! We know you have questions about returning books.

If you are returning to CPS in the fall:

  • Please hold onto your library books until buildings re-open. Books are not considered overdue. Please enjoy them without worry! Return them to any CPS school when our buildings reopen.
  • If you want to know which books you have checked out, or borrow ebooks and audiobooks, log into Destiny Discover. Instructions are on page 2 of this letter.

If you are leaving CPS:

  • Please return CPS library books at the CPS Help Desk.
    • CPS Helpdesk location - CRLS Carpentry Garage, near the corner of Cambridge Street and Felton Street
    • Open hours: Mondays and Thursdays, 11AM - 2PM

CPS Librarians recommend these online reading resources. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Your school librarian,

Melisa Paulino-Smith
Amigos School

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