Last Wednesday morning, all of the Amigos students and staff, JK - 8th, came together in the auditorium to meet Harriet Tubman, also known as the conductor of the Underground Railroad leading over 300 slaves to freedom. Harriet Tubman was presented by Jade Guerra, from Young Audiences. She used a variety of costumes, props and a recorder to show her life from childhood through age 93, when she died.
We chose to present Harriet Tubman to acknowledge Black History Month in a way that would enrich our students and inspire them though story and drama.
Sra. Garcia, the Amigos Art teacher, worked with the 3rd graders during art class to make an exhibit of the ‘Drinking Gourd’ which features the North Star that Harriet Tubman followed.
The students were taken in with the presentation and asked a variety of questions about Harriet’s life, her challenges to keep on her mission and about the mechanics of the presentation.