Bonjour à tous et à toutes!
The finish line to the end of the year is in sight and our French classes are busy wrapping up the final units to our first year together.

In French 8, students learned the French number system, how to tell time and how to describe the weather. In the Weather Unit the students were also exposed to their 3rd main irregular verb:
faire. This will allow us to dive into the final Unit of the year: Verbs! As I will soon say “good bye” to my 8th graders, I will be giving them a mini-series of quick Verb Lessons in the remaining weeks. That way, when they enter the High School they will have had the exposure to all 4 main irregular verbs in French
(être, avoir, faire, aller), as well as how to conjugate any regular
-er, -ir, -re verb that may cross their French paths! I wish my students the Best of Luck in high school and to “Continuez à parler français!!!”
French 7 just finished their study of how to tell time in French, as well as how to describe the weather. In the Telling Time Unit, we discussed some cultural comparisons between telling time in the United States versus in France. For example, students learned that military time is the format most often used on any “official” schedules/documents in France; therefore we needed to also learn how to tell military time. Also, students had to adjust to the fact that in English we use the grammatical mark, a colon,“:” when giving the time (ex: 8:30), yet in French the “:” is replaced by the letter “h” to signify the word: l’heure, which means the hour (ex: 8h30)! To finish off the year, students have just begun their “Le Corps et La Santé” (Body and Health) Unit, where we sang the song “La tête, L'épaule, Les genoux, les pieds” (Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes)!
In French 6, students learned the difference between definite and indefinite articles and when to use them. They also just recently completed their Weather Unit during which students looked at an actual French map depicting the current weather forecast in order to use their expressions to describe the weather. They also learned to describe the weather in the different seasons based on which clothing items were most appropriate to wear. They are finishing off the year with learning how to tell time in French.
I always say about language: “if you don't use it, you will lose it!” I encourage all French students to continue their exposure to French during the summer so they come back ready to go in the fall. Please feel free to
contact me to discuss the various French opportunities offered in our local community and I would be happy to suggest options based on needs and interests!
Lastly, I have included 2 video clips of the 7A students chanting two of our main irregular verbs: être and avoir while playing “patty cake.” These videos have been published privately within the CPS school accounts. To view them, click on the tinyurl and have your CPS student login to their CPS Google Drive school account.
Video 1 |
Video 2