8th Grade Trip to Chinatown/Identity Project

8th Grade Trip to Chinatown/Identity Project / Paseo de 8vo grado a Chinatown/Proyecto de identidad
Posted on 11/08/2016
By: Michael Batt, 6th to 8th Social Studies

ChinatownThe 8th grade recently enjoyed a culminating field trip to Chinatown as part of their “Identity, Privilege, and Access” unit. This excursion was aligned to several themes we have been exploring as part of the unit: gentrification, cultural diffusion, bias, and segregation (ethnic enclaves). They participated in a guided tour which showcased the major transformation that is occurring in Chinatown and were apprised of the resistance that is forming to combat these changes. They also strengthened their own group identity by sharing in the culture of others through eating a meal together and in visiting the stores of this incredible, yet diminishing, sector of Boston.
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