Brian Boyd

Seventh grade math with Mr. Boyd has given us lots of opportunities for real-world learning. We started the year with a unit on statistics, and we analyzed all kinds of data, from basketball players’ heights to the population density of cities in Massachusetts. Now we have moved on to the real number system, and the seventh graders are synthesizing all they have learned about basic operations and extending it to fractions and decimals. These skills form the foundation of the deep critical thinking we will engage in throughout the rest of the year.
In eighth grade OGL math, students have learned a great deal about representing related quantities with algebraic expressions. We practiced writing and solving equations to answer word problems, such as: “The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 51. Find the numbers.” Now we’re moving on to studying lines as a way of representing the relationship between two variables. These topics are a vital foundation for the work students will do next year in High School Algebra. We have been making a lot of progress thanks to our willingness to tackle challenging problems and work together in solving them!