Our Vision

Putnam Avenue Upper School provides inclusive, high-quality learning experiences to develop well-rounded, empathetic citizens. We support all students as they journey toward becoming critical thinkers and independent learners. The Putnam Ave Community empowers all members to use their voices to promote social change and create more equitable communities. Through developing and modeling our core values of passion, pride, and ownership with balance and perseverance students prepare to make informed choices presently and about their future.
Our Core Values
It is commitment that drives our community towards excellence. More specifically, our commitment to academic effort and the pursuit of social justice through recognizing the different experiences that come with race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and religion.
We take pride in our identities and the impact we have on both individuals and larger society. We think not only about today, but about the future as well. We recognize that our words, choices and actions impact ourselves and others. We believe it is our responsibility to better the world we live in.
A strong community relies on ownership, which we demonstrate through reflection and honesty. We are accountable to ourselves and each other. We not only collectively celebrate our wins, but also learn through our mistakes and repair harm, so we are able to make better choices in the future.
We believe that being well-rounded and healthy is essential to our overall success and quality of life. In addition to academic pursuits, we seek balance through participating in activities that bring us joy. We encourage all community members to embrace and share their passions and uniqueness to learn from one another.
We recognize that life is full of obstacles and conflict. We demonstrate perseverance by identifying challenges and striving to overcome them. We choose not to see obstacles as moments of defeat but as moments to grow and make ourselves stronger.