Dear Morse School Community,
Although a short week, it has been a week of excitement at Morse, especially in our Preschool classrooms. Our CPP teachers participated in a Math Lab where they deepened their understanding of the new math curriculum by working with consultants and observing each other's teaching. We also had our first Celebration of Learning for the semester in our CPP classrooms.
Live Stream
On today's Live Stream, we highlighted World Kindness Day with students and staff talking about how to be kind to others and what a healthy friendship looks like, feels like and sounds like. In addition, we showcased a few flags students created for our annual International Festival. We are going to post these flags in our Main Lobby for everyone to see and enjoy. We hope every Morse School student will bring in a Family Flag - even if you can't make it to the festival tonight.
Healthy Start to the Day!
We are now mid-way through November and on the 50th day of school for grades 1-5. The first bell is at 8AM and all classes begin at 8:15AM. It is very important that students have enough time to get themselves settled and ready to learn by 8:15AM. This means that if they need breakfast, they should ideally arrive between 7:50AM and 8AM. The cafeteria closes at 8:10am, except for students whose bus arrives late. We are aware that some buses are still arriving late and we have been working with the Interim Chief Operating Officer, Damon Smith, and the bus company to correct the problem. When students arrive late to school, it not only interferes with their learning, but it also interrupts the learning of all students as they need to come in, put their things away and check in with the teacher. We ask for your cooperation in getting students to school by 8AM to allow each student the time they need to greet friends and teachers, eat breakfast if needed, and be ready to begin learning promptly at 8:15AM.

International Festival & Potluck
The International Festival is an annual celebration of our diverse Morse School community, organized by Friends of the Morse School. It is perhaps the largest gathering of the community each year, featuring a potluck dinner, activities, and live entertainment. Bring a dish to share for the potluck that represents your family and/or culture. Volunteer to help the event run smoothly. Wear traditional clothing that represents your culture. Host a culture table. Participate in various activities, try lots of yummy new foods, and enjoy the entertainment! Reminder that we will have Morse students from ages 3-11 at the event and so we ask that children are supervised by caregivers. Click here to learn more! Please complete a Family Flag to be displayed at the International Festival & Potluck. Please check out the description for more information.
Reporting Periods
The district is doing a review of report cards and determining how often families should receive one in the school year. Your feedback is essential in helping us understand how to best provide information about your child’s academic progress. Your input will help guide the work on CPS Report Cards, this year and beyond. Here is the link: Elementary Report Card Feedback Form. The survey will close on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Upcoming Events
Have a wonderful weekend.
Samantha Headley