Dear Morse School Community,
Welcome to Morse School! We are so excited to see all of our returning families and meet our new families! Our staff have been busy getting the school ready for our students. We have a few things we'd like to share in preparation for next week including our Student & Family Handbook.

Meet your Morse Administration Team
I am Samantha Headley, Morse Principal and I am fortunate to partner with Kristin Allison, Morse Assistant Principal to lead our school. While this is our second year partnering together as the school administration team, Ms. Allison and I have a long history of collaboration at Morse. We've each committed over 20 years of service to the Morse community and care deeply about our students, staff and families. We look forward to partnering with all of you to make this year another successful year for our students.
First Day of School
Remember that students in Grades 1-5 begin on September 3rd. Students in the Cambridge Preschool Program (CPP) and Kindergarten begin on September 5th. A reminder for the safety & security for all staff and students as well as for equity purposes, only staff and students are permitted in the building without an appointment which includes arrival and dismissal. Please be sure to notify your child's teacher of what their dismissal plan will be on the first day of school. We are also hoping you will bring in your family survey as well as ensure that all annual forms are completed through the CPS Family Portal.
Only bus students and those having breakfast will enter through the main entrance. All other students should be dropped off at their assigned entrance.
- Free breakfast begins at 7:50AM and closes at 8:10AM (enter through Main Entrance)
- Arrival for all students 8 - 8:15AM
- First Bell is at 8AM (Students can begin to go to class.)
- Final Bell is at 8:15AM (All students should be in their classroom and class will begin.)
All CPP - Grade 5 students must come in through Main Entrance after 8:15AM to get a late slip.
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, all CPP - Grade 5 students are dismissed at 2:45PM to their designated areas. On Wednesdays, all CPP - Grade 5 students are dismissed at 2:15PM. Please review the dismissal locations here.
Bus Transportation
If your child is eligible for bus transportation, you should have received communication from the Transportation Department. Please note that students should be at their bus stop 10 minutes prior to the listed time.
School lunch is free for all students. However, we are no longer providing bottles of water so please provide your child with a reusable bottle that can be filled at school. You can review the lunch menu here.
Medical Needs
If any students have daily medications or an Epi Pen or Inhaler they need to take at school please be in touch with our school nurse, Emma Rome ( [email protected]) and bring them on the first day of school. Please note that a caregiver must bring them directly to Nurse Emma.
We believe that transparency and communication are key to a successful school-home partnership. Please be on the lookout for the following weekly ParentSquare communications.
- CPS Connect - District wide newsletter shared every Monday
- Take Home Tuesday - Morse Family Liaison newsletter shared every Tuesday
- Morse School News - Principal newsletter shared every Friday
Upcoming Events
- First Day of School Gr. 1-5 | September 3rd
- CPP Classroom Visits | September 4th | 11AM - 12:30PM
- Kindergarten Classroom Visits | September 3rd & 4th (Sign up info in previous email)
- First Day of School CPP & K | September 5th
- Family Listening Conferences | September 9th - 27th (Information coming from Individual Teachers)
- FMS Welcome Back Picnic | September 13th
- Drum Call Dance Family Workshop | September 20th | 6PM
- CPP - Grade 5 Open House & Curriculum Night | September 25th | 6-8PM
I hope you have a wonderful long weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week!
Samantha Headley