Dear Morse School Students and Families,
We cannot believe that April is almost coming to an end. As of today, our 3rd-5th grade students have completed the English Language Arts MCAS and we will be getting ready for the Math MCAS next month as well as the Science MCAS for our 5th graders. I want to thank all of our educators for preparing our students each year with instruction around the MA State Standards and helping students to stay calm and confident in any learning environment.
Morse Assistant Principal
This morning we enjoyed surprising Ms. Allison with a celebratory staff breakfast. Ms. Allison was selected as our permanent Morse Assistant Principal! This school year, Ms. Allison graciously agreed to be our interim AP and has worked tirelessly to fulfill the responsibilities of the job. She has a long and deep commitment to the success of the Morse community and I look forward to our continued partnership. Please join us in congratulating her on this accomplishment.
Arbor Day
Today is Arbor Day and we were thrilled to work with the City Arborist, David Lefcourt, DPW and the Urban Forest Department. to plant a new tree. In the fall, parent Chris Edelman began this wonderful project by reaching out to former Mayor Siddiqui about replacing our dead sugar maple tree at the front of the school. Through collaboration with Mr. Lefcourt we were able to arrange for a new tree to be planted. However, the big question was what kind of tree should it be? This was a task for our Student Council. They worked with their advisor, M. Offley, to research and vote on a new tree. The Student Council selected a Kentucky Coffee tree! We were so proud to see them using their voice and come to a consensus as a council. This morning we were joined by Mayor E. Denise Simmons and the city team to plant our new tree!
Changes in School Hours for the 2024-2025 School Year
We are happy to announce that through negotiations between the district and our educator unions, we will be extending the school day beginning September 2024. Extending the school day by 30 minutes allows for more instructional time, which can yield improved academic student outcomes. Teachers can delve into subject matter, provide individualized support, and engage students in meaningful learning activities. The additional time in the school day also allows us to differentiate for students based on what they need. Please join a virtual presentation on Extended Learning Time on April 29th from 6:30 - 7:30PM. The link will be sent out between an hour to 30 minutes prior to the meeting automatically through the registration portal. Please register here >>

Drum Call
West African dance workshop is TOMORROW, April 27th at 4:30PM. The last day to register online ( is TODAY, April 26th. Walk-in registration is available on Saturday, April 27th. Come join Morse School families and staff in the Morse gym for a free, vibrant celebration of West African dancing and live drumming!
Upcoming Events
C1, Second Grade - Field Trip, Maynard Ecology Center | April 29th
Extended Learning Time Presentation | April 29th, 6:30 - 7:30PM (virtual - link to be shared soon)
Morse DPW Day - PreSchool & Kindergarten, Staff & Students | April 30th 9 - 11AM
Principal's Virtual Tea | April 30th 6:30 - 7:30PM (Zoom Link)
C3, Second Grade - Field Trip, Maynard Ecology Center | May 1st
Fourth Grade Celebration of Learning | May 2nd, 8:45AM
Early Release Day | May 8th, 12:25pm
Fourth and Fifth Grade Math MCAS | May 9th & 10th
Third Grade Math MCAS | May 13th & 14th
Morse Parent/Caregiver Workshop on Math, Literacy and SEL Support | May 15th, 8:30 - 9:30AM
Fifth Grade STE MCAS | May 16th & 17th
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine!
Samantha Headley