Juliet and Gyorgy Kepes Murals
the Morse School was built, architect Carl Koch commissioned his
friends, well- known Cambridge artists Juliet and Gyorgy Kepes, to
design bold art panels for the hallways of the school. The Kepeses’
daughter, Julie Stone, recalls that Koch wanted her parents to create
the works in enamel, a medium that Koch felt would be not only durable
but whose bold colors would harmonize with the overall design of the
Because of the size of the pieces Koch desired, the
Kepeses could not bake the enameled panels in the small ovens which
artists traditionally used. Julie remembered driving with her parents to
Worcester where the management of the Bettinger enamel company allowed
them to use the industrial ovens in which factory employers baked
finishes onto household appliances. The Kepeses experimented with color
and design, scooping granular pigments from big buckets onto metal
sheets, making patterns by pressing leaves into the colors, then shoving
the test pieces into enormous ovens heated to 2000°.
The Kepeses
allowed Julie to make a few small test panels which she has kept. When
her parents extracted the panels, the works were red hot. As the sheets
cooled, the final colors emerged. After long hours of experimentation,
Juliet and Gyorgy Kepes created the five bird and tree designs on both
panels and tiles, which are still on view in the “A” wing of the school.
in Hungary in 1906, Gyorgy Kepes began his career as a painter, but
turned to photography and film-making, which he regarded as more honest
and effective media. Kepes is perhaps best known as the founder of MIT’s
Center for Advanced Visual Studies. Here he provided an opportunity for
artists from all over the world to make public art in collaboration
with scientists and engineers. In the mid 1980’s, the Cambridge Arts
Council commissioned Gyorgy Kepes to create a stained glass wall “Blue
Sky on the Red Line” for the Harvard Square bus station.
Born in
England in 1919, Juliet Kepes has worked as a painter, sculptor, and
graphic artist, and is highly acclaimed for her beautifully illustrated
children’s books. In 1969, the New York Times selected her book Birds as
the best illustrated book of the year. Her version of Five Little
Monkeys was a Caldecott Medal Honor Book and the Society of Illustrators
awarded her a citation of merit for Frogs Merry in 1962. The Kepeses
had resided in Cambridge.
Main Lobby Mural by Tomie Arai 1999
commemorate the school’s renovation, the Cambridge Arts Council
commissioned a major new work of art for the Morse. A committee
including the school principal, faculty, parents, and the architect in
charge of the school’s renovation, unanimously selected New York artist
Tomie Arai to create the piece. Her design for a brilliantly colored,
silk screened mural captures the spirit and history of the school.
the center stands the “tree of knowledge”, representing the school’s
innovative Core Knowledge Sequence. Animals scamper along the banks of
the Charles River, while children play nearby. Along the border of the
mural, Arai symbolically represents the many countries from which the
students of the Morse came from at the time. The original 1891 brick
Morse School and other images, which evoke the history of the
neighborhood, are woven into the design.
Tomie Arai grew up in New York City where she attended public
schools. She began her career as an artist in the 1970’s, making murals
for community centers and public spaces. Arai is the granddaughter of
Japanese Farmers who immigrated to the United States in the 1940’s, and
her cultural heritage often influences her work. In addition to
producing award winning paintings and prints, Arai has illustrated
children’s books, including Sachiko Means Happiness by Kimiko Sakai
(1990), the story of a girl who forges a new relationship with a
grandmother who no longer recognizes her; and China’s Bravest Girl: the
Legend of Hua Mu Lan by Charlie Chan (1993), which tells the story of
the legendary girl warrior in both Chinese characters and English words.
She is also featured in Just Like Me, a book for children in which
artists explain why they chose their careers.
Learn More
The Original Morse School, 1891 - 1956
The Morse School Gets Renovated 1999
The Morse School, 1957 - 1997