Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is an early literacy intervention designed to accelerate the progress of first grade children who are having difficulty learning to read and write. A child selected for participation in Reading Recovery will receive individualized instruction for thirty minutes each day for up to twenty weeks. Because Reading Recovery is a research-based intervention, data is collected and kept regularly.

The Reading Recovery procedures help children build on what they know, using books that are within the child’s capability. The texts that children read and write become more complex as the child’s abilities expand.  Each Reading Recovery lesson consists of reading familiar stories, a second reading of the previous day’s new book, word work, writing a short message, and the reading of a new, slightly more challenging story. The goal of Reading Recovery is for students to be processing texts at or above the level of their school age peers by the end of a lesson series. As soon as students can meet grade-level expectations and demonstrate that they can continue to work independently in the classroom, their lessons are discontinued, and new students begin individual instruction. Some students are referred for additional supports after a lesson series. These supports may consist of continued work with the Early Literacy Interventionist or work with other specialists in the building.

How Reading Recovery Students are Selected
The Reading Recovery Teacher/ Early Literacy Interventionist assesses the first grade students who were identified at the end of kindergarten as possibly needing extra literacy help, but who are not receiving special education services for a learning disability.  This information is based on benchmark assessment scores supported by classroom teacher observations and data collection. A selection meeting is held after assessments are completed to select the students who are most in need of individual intervention. Grade 1 classroom teachers, the literacy coach, an administrator and the Early Literacy Interventionist attend these meetings. Consent forms for pull out intervention, data collection and photo or video are then sent home to families before services may begin.

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