Parent Organizations

We welcome participation from all families. There are many ways to be involved. We hope this list will help you decide how you would like to contribute. Please contact Neusa DaCosta, the King Open’s Family Liaison, for more information on particular groups. She can be reached at 857.235.2961. Click on the name of a group below to start getting involved at King Open.

Cambridge Weekend Backpack Program
The Cambridge Weekend Backpack Program (CWBP) has been replaced with the Food For Free's Weekend Eats Carrot Card Program in collaboration with Cambridge Public Schools. The Carrot Card Program is a temporary pandemic program to decrease weekend food insecurity for Cambridge Public Schools children in grades JK-8

Classroom Connector
The King Open system of “parent representatives” has been created to better involve the parents in the curriculum.

Events Committee
The Events Committee annually holds events such as the Book Fair, Teacher Appreciation events, King Open Spring Open, and the Parent/Staff Night Out.

Friends of King Open (FOKO)
FOKO is a parent-run, non-profit organization that receives money donated through fundraising efforts and makes decisions about where that money goes.

King Open OLA Committee
The OLÁ Committee is a group of OLÁ family and staff participants from grades K-8 who meet monthly to plan events and activities that build community and expand OLÁ involvement in the school.

Literacy and Library Committee
The Literacy and Library Committee works to support students and staff at King Open School through ongoing and special projects. 

Outreach Committee
This Committee was established out of a need to reach a wider range of families and to increase parent involvement within all aspects of the school.

School Council
The KO School Council works with Darrell Williams on budget priorities,develops the school improvement plan, speaks for King Open in the wider school/city community, oversees the subcommittee structure, and discusses school-wide issues and events.

Social Action Committee
The Social Action Committee is a new KO Committee. Currently it is a work in progress.

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