Baldwin cafeteria and gymnasium are open at 8AM to receive students. All students are welcome to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Students in grades 3 - 5 have the option to participate in morning physical education in the gymnasium and then have breakfast at 8:30AM. Students who arrive by bus are met at the bus and directed into the building to the cafeteria. We ask families to drop-off their children by 8:30AM. Instruction begins promptly at 8:45AM. Students who are not in their homeroom by 8:45AM are tardy.
Students are marked 'Tardy' if they are not in their homeroom by 8:45AM. This is on the child's permanent record. If you know your child will be late, please call the main office at 617.349.6525.
The school day ends at 3:15PM (2:45PM on Wednesdays).
- Students taking the bus will be checked onto their bus.
- Kindergarten students enrolled in Baldwin Community Afterschool will be dismissed to afterschool teachers.
- Students in grades 1 - 5 enrolled in Baldwin Community Afterschool will go to the lower level of the school and check in with their afterschool teachers.
Pick-Up Location for Students Picked Up by Caregiver:
- Preschool Rooms 102 & 104 - Classroom Courtyard
- Special Start, Grades K & 1 - Sacramento Street Door
- Grades 2 - 5 - Playground (across the street from the school)
* If the adult picking up is not the parent/caregiver, that information must be communicated to the school by the parent/caregiver. If the teacher does not know this adult they may ask for photo identification.
Early Dismissal
If you need to pick up your child before the normal dismissal time, please let your teacher know or call the Main Office (the morning of). Please keep early dismissal for medical appointments. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come to the front door and ring the Main Office bell.
Half Days - Dismissal Time
School is dismissed at 1:15PM on the following days:
- November 27
- December 23
- Last Day of School