State Mandated Offices

CRLS Student School Committee*

4 Positions: (One per Learning Community) Gr. 9-12

The CRLS Student School Committee provides a learning experience in policy making and the operation of city schools, allows students to develop self-confidence and leadership skills in a public forum, provides an opportunity to learn more about the educational system, and to have a voice in their education.

The students elected will represent the interests and concerns of the CRLS student body through discussion, projects and proposals presented to the Cambridge School Committee. Students will be required to participate in training and planning sessions and to attend the Cambridge School Committee meetings, held on the first and third Tuesday evenings beginning at 6PM in the Henrietta Attles School Committee room in the Media Cafeteria. They may also be required to attend subcommittee meetings that relate to student issues.

CRLS Student School Committee members elect a chairperson who will serve for a term of one year as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Cambridge School Committee without the right to attend executive sessions, unless expressly granted by the Cambridge School Committee. The CRLS Student School Committee chair is subject to all Cambridge School Committee rules and regulations.

Meetings: 2x/month, Tues. 6PM + planning meetings, *mandated by state law

Student Government Day Representatives/Delegates*
2 Positions: 1 Delegate/1 Alternate, Gr. 11 & 12

These positions provide training and experience in the entire process of representative government and the right of free petition in preparation for Student Government Day in April when students from around the state take over the State House and assume the leadership of State Government. All Student Government Day Representatives become eligible to assume the role of a member of state government – the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of state government, including governor and members of his cabinet on Student Government Day.

Meeting: April, *mandated by state law

CRLS School Parent/Principal Advisory Council
2 Positions: 2 Students Elected at-Large, Gr. 9-12

The CRLS School Council is a state-mandated committee composed of students, teachers, administration and parents. This group works with the Principal to set long-term goals for CRLS.

CRLS School Council develops the School Improvement Plan and does long-term planning around budget, personnel, and curriculum policy issues affecting the high school. The CRLS School Council also makes an annual report to the School Committee.

Students concerned with issues affecting CRLS should run for CRLS School Council.

Meetings: 1x/month for 2 hours in the evenings, 1st Monday; Full Year Commitment

Members of the Student Advisory Council to the Massachusetts Board of Education
2 Positions: 2 Students elected by Majority Vote, Gr. 9-12

Members of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) advise the Commissioner of Education and have a voting representative on the State Board of Education. SAC members act on Massachusetts’ educational policy and student rights. Projects include lobbying for educational legislation, writing curriculum recommendations, organizing student conferences, and participating in the Department of Education’s activities such as visits of other schools.

Meetings: 1st week of the month beginning in October (Full year commitment)

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