Message from Samantha Headley: December 8, 2023

Dear Morse School Students and Families,

It has been an eventful week at the Morse School. We had our first and fifth grade celebrations of learning and we had a film crew visit to capture a day at the Morse School and highlight the things that helped us to earn the 2023 National ESEA Distinguished School in the category of exceptional student performance and academic growth.

In addition, on today's Livestream, we revisited the Morse Code: Be Kind, Be Inclusive, Be Responsible and Be an Active Learner. Students and staff from around the school shared ways that they can live out the Morse code in our school and greater community. We closed with the Morse School Song – it was an incredibly touching livestream. Please ask your kids about ways they see and show the Morse Code. 

Family School Climate Survey

As of December 5th, 40% of our families have completed the survey. We are hoping to get more family input. Please use this Survey Link or click the survey button to complete the anonymous 10-minute survey so that we can learn about what is going well and what we can improve on. The survey needs to be completed in one setting, but you can skip questions as long as you submit the survey at the end. The survey is also available in Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Haitian Creole, and Spanish. If you need any help, please reach out to Amy Diaz, family liaison, or Elaine Delaney, administrative assistant. The survey will now close on Friday, December 22nd (please note extension of window by one week).

Family Math Pop-Up Event

The Family and Community Engagement Team in collaboration with the Math Department would like to invite you to join us for a Family Math Pop-Up Social! This is a great and fun opportunity for families to come together, connect, play, and explore different math games and activities. As always, come and join the festivities, indulge in some delicious food, and participate in our raffle to win some amazing math games.

What makes this social special? Some games and activities will be led by students! And, we are excited to have our community math partner, MathTalk, join us for the evening.

  • When: Thursday, December 14 | 5:30 - 7:30PM

  • Where: Cambridge Street Upper School located at 840 Cambridge Street

  • Register here

December Reminders

  • December 12th | 4th & 5th Grade Middle School Connections at PAUS, 5:30-7PM 
    RSVP required, fill form here >> 
    See event flyer here >>

  • December 14th | After School Clubs end

  • December 14th | Family Math Pop-up Social @ CSUS from 5:30-7:30PM

  • Principal Search Phase Two: Chief Talent Officer will hold two sessions at the Morse School with stakeholders to share data from the survey as well as outline the principal selection process.

    • December 16 | 9-10AM in Morse Auditorium

    • December 18 | 6-7PM in Morse Auditorium

  • Winter Break | December 24 to January 2

Happy Hanukkah to our families that celebrate. Have a wonderful weekend!   


Samantha Headley

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