Message from Chad Leith: August 26, 2022

Dear Morse School Students and Families,

Morse LeadershipWelcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I hope that you have had a wonderful summer and that you are as excited as I am about our return to school!

This week, Assistant Principal Sam Headley and I have been in a planning retreat with other school and district leaders to recommit to the important and joyful work of educating the children of Cambridge. The theme of the retreat has been “Excellence on Purpose,” and our focus has been on aligning the work that we do at the Morse School with Superintendent Greer’s 2022-2025 District Plan and our district’s recently-adopted Mission, Vision, and Core Values.

To help get the year off to a great start, I would like to use my first newsletter to share some updates, helpful information, and reminders about our return to school.

Class Placement Letters
Earlier this week, you should have received your child’s homeroom assignment. If you did not, please let School Clerk Elaine Delaney know so that she can re-send your letter or update your address in our records.

Family Welcome Survey
You can help us support your child by completing the Fall 2022 Morse Family Welcome Survey. A hard copy was sent home in the mail along with your child’s classroom placement letter. If you would prefer, you can complete the survey online. We ask that you complete the survey or send a hard copy home by the first day of school.

The Cambridge Public Schools has adopted ParentSquare as its new tool for communication between families and schools. This year, most of the information you receive from me and from your child’s teacher will be sent through ParentSquare, and so it is important that you register. Please click here for more information and to register. If you need assistance, please contact Elaine Delaney in the Main Office.

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Please take a moment to review this two-page document with information about this year’s arrival and dismissal procedures. Please note that in accordance with district policy - and in order to ensure a safe, orderly, and equitable arrival experience for all children - only staff and students will be allowed inside the building at morning arrival and afternoon dismissal.

Welcoming New Members to Our School Community
In addition to the 95 children and families who will join our community in September, we are also welcoming a very talented group of new staff members to our team. Please click here to learn more about our new staff members (and also about returning staff members who will be serving in new roles)!

Save the Date!
We have several upcoming events to help get our school year off to a strong start:

  • Wednesday, August 31 - JK/K “Popsicles in the Playground” meetup (4-5PM in the Morse Playground).
  • Tuesday, September 6 - First day of school for students in Grades 1-5
  • Tues. & Wed., September 6 & 7 - JK/K Orientation & Classroom Visits
  • Thursday, September 8 - First day of school for JK/K students
  • Friday, September 16- Friends of Morse School Back to School Picnic
  • Wednesday, September 21 - Early Release Day (students dismissed at 12:25PM)
  • Wednesday, September 28 - Fall Open House & Curriculum Night (6-8PM)

If you have any questions or concerns as we approach the first day of school, please do not hesitate to reach out to me ( [email protected]), Assistant Principal Sam Headley ([email protected]), Family Liaison Amy Diaz ([email protected]), or our fabulous School Clerk Elaine Delaney ([email protected]). We can also be reached at 617.349.6575.

On behalf of the teachers and staff of the Morse School, I wish you all the best for a wonderful end to your summer vacation. We can’t wait to welcome you back in two weeks!


Dr. Chad Leith, Principal

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