Classroom Connector

Volunteering to be a Classroom Connector (formerly Classroom Helpers/Parent Representatives) in your child’s classroom is a great way to get to know other families and contribute in a meaningful way to the King Open Community.

Being a classroom connector can mean different things in different classrooms. Teachers are happy to have any help you are able to provide. Our goal is to build a strong King Open community by making sure that people feel welcome, by sharing information about school events with families, and serving as a resource for families when they have questions.

Here are different aspects of our role:

  • Meet with the teacher at the beginning of the school year to get a sense of his or her needs
  • Create a list of families in your classroom with contact information
  • Remind parents/caregivers of school events and encourage each family to attend
  • Send out announcements to the class via email, text, or phone
  • Help your teacher(s) with simple tasks, as needed

Other ways you may help:

  • Volunteer in the classroom
  • Chaperone on class trips
  • Work with teachers to manage the snack list and send out reminders to families when it is their turn
  • Connect with parents who speak the same language as you
  • Encourage informal support networks among families who share similar experiences (culture, language, children with allergies, etc)

Any family member may be a classroom helper and it is fine if your family is new to King Open. If you don’t speak English, we will connect you with other families who speak your language. There is a role for every parent to contribute to our classrooms.

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