School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 8:15AM - 2:45PM
Wednesdays | 8:15AM - 2:15PM
On Early Release Days school dismissal is two hours early, at 12:25PM.
and all medications must be given to the school nurse in a labeled
container with your child’s name and a letter/note from the doctor. Learn more >>
Report Cards & Conferences
year teachers send home two progress reports (report cards). Report
cards include checklists in core academic areas, evaluations from
specialist classes such as art, music, and physical education, and brief
summaries of academic and social/emotional growth for each student. In
addition, parent conferences are held twice a year. Learn more >>
Arrival and Dismissal Time
should not enter the building until 7:45AM because there is no one on
duty to supervise them. Before 8:15AM, students and family members are
asked to wait in the playground, front lobby, or cafeteria (where
breakfast is available) until the bell rings. Learn more >>
Late/Absence Procedures
When your child is absent, please be sure to call the Absent or Tardy Hotline at 617.349.6577 x125. This is a safety issue. Learn more >>
Class Configurations
Classrooms at the Graham and Parks Alternative Public School are singled graded, with the exception of JK/K classes and our Language-Based Learning Disabilities program, which both have mixed age groups. Learn More